TCG140 is a GSM-GPRS remote IO module for remote site monitoring and control over a mobile network.
TCG140 is a GSM-GPRS remote IO module for a distributed monitoring and control over mobile networks. The module can be used as a standalone device or as a part of data acquisition (SCADA) systems.
The GSM-GPRS remote IO module has two digital “dry contact” inputs, two analog inputs with 0-10V range and two analog inputs with 0-10V or 0-20mA range. The customer sets the mode of analog inputs via the GUI.
The device supports 1-Wire and RS-485 (MODBUS RTU) interfaces. Both interfaces can carry up to 8 sensors, shared between the two interfaces in a random ratio.
The device records all monitored parameters in internal FLASH memory. The records are made on the previous set time interval and/or on an alarm condition. The log file can be periodically uploaded to a dedicated server by HTTP Post.
The device has four relays with normally open and normally closed contacts. The relays can be activated remotely (SMS, call or HTTP API command) or locally. For the local activation, one of the monitored parameters is assigned to the relay – alarm state of the parameter activates the relay.
TCG140 can initiate a connection (HTTP Post) to remote dedicated servers. The payload of this post is XML file, with current values of monitored parameters. The HTTP Post can be sent periodically or under alarm conditions. As an answer to the HTTP Post, an HTTP API command can be returned for relay activation or change of some settings.
In addition to the HTTP Post alert, the device can send SMS and/or e-mail as an extra alert for up to 5 SMS and e-mails recipients.