Our wide selection of industrial-grade PC/104 and PC/104-Plus serial boards are a popular choice for embedded applications that require connections to multiple serial devices with high data throughput.
Moxa’s dedication to being a trusted provider of serial connectivity is demonstrated by our long-term commitment to serial products and service availability. Our PCI Express, Universal PCI, and PCI serial boards are built for industrial applications, and include models that can operate reliably in a wide temperature range.
Soluciones tecnológicas para empresas que caminan al futuro
Contamos con un gran portafolio de productos de automatización industrial y Comunicación Industrial representados por las marcas más reconocidas del mercado como MOXA, Advantech, Black Box, Puls, TosiBox y Zenitel, entre otros.
Antonio Varas 894
Providencia - Santiago
(+56 -2) 2946 2584
Calle Alcanfores 142. Oficina 206.
Miraflores - Lima
(+51 -1) 627 4327